The Challenge

Princes revealed that it was going to invest £5 million over the space of 3 years to encourage rapid growth of the brand.

– KICR have partnered with Princes on its innovation strategy called ‘Innov8 by Princes’.

– KICR are challenged to deliver projects around brand creation, product design and development, packaging, commercialisation and channel strategy.

The Innovation

– Research and insight


– Process and Packaging

– New category development

– Ideation workshops

– New state-of-the-art development kitchen

– 1000+ bespoke consumer community

The result

– KICR and PRINCES have an ongoing partnership over the next 3 years to deliver break though innovation for existing and new brands in the portfolio.

Are you looking to revitalise your brand? Need help with Consumer Research, NPD or opportunity mapping? Get in touch with a member of our team today.