Embracing Change – Opportunity not Black Hole

We all of course react differently to change, some embrace it and love the feeling of the unexpected, others feel so out of their depth they can’t see a way forward. Here are our tips for embracing change.

Using Personal Experiences in NPD

Managing Director of KICR, Susannah Croucher reminds us that as consumers ourselves, by keeping the environments of our work and personal lives separate, we miss out on potential new ideas or inspiration.

5 Benefits of Outsourcing: Part II

Where speed to market is a key profit driver for innovation, considered outsourcing can make a significant and positive impact.

5 Benefits of Outsourcing: Part I

When looking to select an innovation partner, we’d recommend these 5 core considerations.

Huge Gains in Agility are Possible with a Fresh Approach

There are increasing demands for more ‘agile’ innovation, to achieve competitive advantage and remain relevant in the face of dynamic consumer needs.

Firing Up Creativity with Culinary Inspiration

The creative input and fresh perspective that development chefs can provide can be a gamechanger.