
How To Avoid the Success Trap

What is the success trap? And what innovation processes can be put in place to keep it at bay? Read to find out more…

Cost of Living Crisis – Innovative Solutions to the Value Equation

The cost of living crisis & the accompanying narrative & commentary is everywhere at the moment. However, being at the coalface of consumer sentiment it is truly shocking & never fails to hit me just how deep it is biting. Some of the numbers are truly depressing & hit home the situation so many are facing.

Why innovation can address the cost-of-living crisis

Dare I wheel out the line? Sorry, not sorry but there’s no other way to say it! We are genuinely in unprecedented times, the changes over the last 2 years have astonished me, Trump’s Presidency & less than graceful exit, Johnson for Prime Minister & his similarly less than edifying departure, global pandemics, Brexit, war in Europe, inflation, fuel crisis, food shortages, and according to the Bank of England the British economy is now in another recession, so you get the picture! A grim one I know!

Little Book of Innovation – Chapter 6 – Ensuring Customer Insight Is At The Heart Of Your Innovation

Opportunity or Responsibility?

  WHO states that one in three 11-year olds in the European region are overweight or obese. Food Navigator UK goes further: one in ten children in reception year are classed as obese, rising to one in five by year six. UNICEF state the figure rises again to one in three as either overweight or

Awesome Award

  Wow! We’re literally bursting with excitement, guess what’s happened! We’ve only gone & been awarded the: SME News, British Made Awards 2022: ‘Best UK F&B Development Consultants 2022’! SME News is a quarterly digital publication that offers advice to SME’s countrywide across a broad spectrum of topics including the day to day running of

I wish I knew then what I know now!

After over 15 years in FMCG working on both retailer and client/manufacturer side I recently took the plunge to the dark side by going consultancy/agency side with KICR Innovation! What have I learnt on the other side of the fence I hear you cry (at least I do in my head! 😂) and what pearls

F!S Group wholly acquires KICR Innovation

Can Functional Beer Bolster No & Low Alcohol?

Innovation: Why it’s time to go extreme